The artist painted this scene of
his Bedroom in Arles shortly after finishing The Night Café, and here we feel
equally drawn into a cozy environment while once again feeling incredibly
alone. Here there are no people. There are two doors, two windowpanes, two
chairs, two portraits, two drawings, and two pillows—but only one person. Van Gogh never married, but instead lived
alone. Here we can no doubt feel some of
his loneliness. Nearly all objects are painted
in pairs, but the bed, like an enormous tombstone, stands awkwardly alone. Through this painting we are not granted any
profound insight into subject matter: since the subject is merely a still
life-type look at the artist's bedroom (nothing significant about that). It is instead an insight into the artist's
own mind, his feelings and thoughts, more than it is a statement about any
external subject. The painting is of the
bedroom, but the theme rests in the room's sole inhabitant. They say a lot can be told about a person
based on looking at the room in which he or she lives. In the same way, Van Gogh has poured a lot of
himself into the painting he has created.
This is self-expression through art, not analysis or coverage of an
outside topic, like, say, sunlight or the king of France. This painting is created within the confines
of the painter's own knowledge of himself; but instead of a self-portrait we
see his bedroom. He has translated
qualities of himself to an external subject, but it is still primarily about an
expression of himself.
This type of approach to art would
earn Vincent Van Gogh the label of Expressionist painter. As Impressionism took from Realism in the
sense that it sought to paint the physical world as it really appeared (or as
it was impressed upon someone at a given moment of time), Expressionism did not
take inspiration from the material world.
This kind of art functioned solely to convey the emotional feelings and
reactions to various subjects. Like
Symbolism, this style focused on abstracts.
Van Gogh painted what he felt, not what he saw. If the leading Impressionist painter, Claude
Monet, painted exclusively as an eye; then this artist painted solely as a
heart. This could inspire how he painted
objects, as well.
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